About BeesWiki

The BeesWiki project began in 2017 when our team realised how difficult it was to develop a good understanding of bee-related topics when browsing the web.

The BeesWiki team quickly got to work researching, travelling and building connections with apiaries, scientists, organisations and all others involved and passionate about these essential creatures. 

Continuing to work alongside apiary managers, beekeepers, honey suppliers and industry experts, including those carrying out cutting-edge research, enables BeesWiki to provide reliable information that is beneficial to the worldwide bee-loving community.

Fast forward six years, and BeesWiki has firmly established itself as a leading source of bee-related information. 

Some of The Experts That We Work With:

Beekeeper Inspecting Illinois Honey Frames - City Bee Savers
Bill Whitney - City Bee Savers

Bill Whitney - City Bee Savers - Illanois

City Bee Savers are an Illinois-based, bee-friendly removal company.

Bill Whitney, the owner of City Bee Savers has over 25 years of experience working with bees and also plays an active role in educating and spreading his knowledge to anyone interested in beekeeping or learning more about bees.

Alongside producing raw, wildflower honey, City Bee Savers run several beekeeping courses suitable for beginners or for anyone looking to add to their existing skillbase. 

It’s great to see a company so involved in the beekeeping community! 

We worked with City Bee Savers to put together our article covering Illinois honey.

As you can imagine, they’re leading experts in Illanois honey production, so it’s been a pleasure to work with them to provide accurate information for our readers. 

Beechwood Honey Inspection
J.Friend & Co Apirary Technician

Jeremy Friend - J.Friend & Co - New Zealand

Our friends at J.Friend & Co were the first beekeepers in the world to receive carbon-neutral status for their honey. Amazing!

J.Friend & Co focus on providing their customers with the highest quality, unblended honey, produced by a group of leading apiaries and beekeeping experts in New Zealand. 

In the image shown, you can see one of their apiary technicians tending to one of the urban hives they manage. 

We worked with J.Freind & Co who contributed their expertise and knowledge to help produce and verify the factual accuracy of our Beechwood Honey article.

Clark Sloan - Clark's of Colorado

Clark’s of Colorado are part of an exclusive group of beekeeping experts that produce honey bearing the USDA Organic Seal alongside verification from the NON-GMO Project. 

Clark’s fascination for beekeeping began in the 80’s, keeping a couple of small hives in his garden. 

Over the years, Clark increased the number of colonies he managed to a point where he was taking care of over 2,500 hives! 

Clark’s are one of the largest honey producers in Colorado, selling to the public and for health food markets. 

Therefore it seemed only right that we worked with Clarks to verify the factual accuracy of our Colorado Honey article, as well as our article covering orange blossom honey

Rick Beatty - Beatty Honey - Ontario

Providing 100% natural and unpasteurized honey, Beatty Honey are well known for producing an exceptional variety of great-tasting honey. 

Rick’s beekeeping journey began back in the 70s when he and his family had moved into an old farmhouse. 

Over summer, a number of bees moved into Rick’s gym locker in the garden, which quickly expanded into a bustling hive. Rick took it as his duty to educate himself and knocked together a few new hives for his garden friends. 

Skip forwards 50 years, and Beatty Honey is continuing its passion for sustaining the honeybee population in Ontario as well as being a leading producer of honey, beeswax and propolis.

We worked alongside Beatty Honey, who fact-checked and verified the content found within our Fireweed Honey article.

Our Aim

Ultimately, BeesWiki.com is an encyclopaedic website which provides the most up-to-date and in-depth information on bees, honey and anything in bee-tween!

Just as bees play a crucial role in nature and our society, we will continue to expand the information available on BeesWiki.com, because educating the public about bees will be crucial for the health of our planet.

From a bee’s life cycle to the jar of honey in your kitchen cupboard, if you’re buzzing to find out more about our pollinating friends, BeesWiki has you covered.